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Research & Campaigns

We all continue to be affected by the ongoing impacts of a post-pandemic cost-of-living crisis. Impacts are apparent in our experiences of employment, education, housing and health, as well as in our access to justice and welfare benefits.

Effective policy responses primarily, but not exclusively, from central and local governments remain vital in supporting struggling households out of crisis and into sustainable, resilient futures.

But what happens when policy design is flawed, delivery processes don’t work, or when service users or consumers are treated badly by those with power over them. Who should be accountable and how can we make them accountable? How can we change things for the better?

One of the twin aims of Citizens Advice is to gather information on ‘what’s gone wrong’, hold decision-makers to account and advocate for change.

We take no political position and we aim to work alongside public, private and voluntary sector partners when we can. Our aim is to identify issues which need to be addressed, challenge injustice, and effect change.

But we can’t do it without your help. Below are several opportunities for you to help us hold local and national decision-makers accountable by providing the information we need to take action. Please take the opportunity to do so. For more information on Research & Campaigns priorities nationally go to:


Have you been treated badly by the legal profession and not felt able to complain or hold them accountable?


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Have you been tricked by scammers, misled by sellers, or just led into spending money you never intended to by clever advertising?


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Are you being treated badly by your employer or employment agency?


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Are you struggling to find support services to help you, or a member of your family, cope with a disability or long term health condition?


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Do you feel, or are you currently, threatened with homelessness. Is your rent or mortgage too high or do you feel harassed by your landlord?


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Do you struggle to budget on a low income, find it impossible to make ends meet, or go without essentials in order to pay bills?


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Are you being affected by ‘managed migration’ and the transfer of ‘legacy benefit’ recipients to Universal Credit?


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Whether it is disability benefits such as Personal Independence Payments (PIP), Carers benefits, or Council Tax Support, delays, administrative errors and problems with complex application processes are affecting everyone

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We can only do our work with your help. Let us know about your experiences so we can work to prevent others going through what you have gone through.

Please note, this is an information gathering exercise only. We will not be contacting you about the issues you raise in the surveys. If you need advice call 0808 250 5715 Monday-Friday 9-5pm or go to .