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Sponsor Us

Citizens Advice South Warwickshire provides free, independent and impartial advice across the whole of Stratford on Avon and Warwick Districts.

We do this by raising grants from relevant local authorities and borough councils, business sponsorship and fundraising events, such as quizzes, fashion shows and raffles.

Our Services

Our advice covers a wide range of social and domestic problems including housing, debt, employment and relationship issues. Our Advisers research all client options and look at the possible outcomes of different courses of action.

They do not tell clients what to do but encourage them to make their own decisions based on the latest information available.

You can make a difference

Every year Citizens Advice puts thousands of pounds back into the pockets of hard-pressed families, the unemployed, homeless and poorest communities it serves. It does this by helping them to manage their money, claim their full financial entitlements and avoid the costs of getting into debt.

This money is critical to their lives and to local business. Without money people cannot afford the essentials of life and without spending, local business cannot thrive. You can help us to keep local markets buoyant by supporting our work with people in need in your community.


How you can help

Citizens Advice South Warwickshire is a unique partner, a charity with a strong commercial and independent approach.

We know that every company is unique too, so we work closely with our partners to tailor lasting partnerships that deliver impressive results. We are always looking for corporate partners to work alongside us on four critical strands of our work in the local community:

  • Outreach Services in our rural communities or in particularly deprived urban areas
  • Adviser and Assessor training for our staff and volunteers
  • Financial Literacy Courses in schools and the community
  • Help running fundraising events and campaigns

Our service in action

We invite you to join in delivering this essential service to our community. Any support you give will be prominently featured in all our publicity and on large banner displays at the point of delivery.

Who you should contact

If you would like to speak to us about supporting Citizens Advice South Warwickshire, please contact:

Email: Chief Officer Julie Robinson