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Partner Newsletter

Welcome to the very first Newsletter! Citizens Advice Newsletter Jan 2018 Our aim is to keep you in touch with our work and strengthen communication and partnership through more regular updates to... Read more

Feedback from CASW stakeholder event November 2017

Citizens Advice brought together key organisations in the South Warwickshire area who represent the communities we live in, but serve different needs.   We wanted to see how CA and the wider third... Read more

Big Energy Saving Week – Our volunteer hits the switch!

Brrrr. It’s a cold wintery January morning outside and my energy supplier has just written to let me know my current tariff is due to end soon. Oh no, I think, now what is it going to cost? I hate... Read more

Not what you signed up for? Problems with subscriptions

With ever inventive ways to lure us to shop – from Black Friday offers to Cyber Monday discounts –  it seems the shops are creating newer, better marketing to get us to buy their products and the... Read more

Debt and problems with the benefits system top list for Citizens Advice

Problems with benefits, universal credit and debt are at the top issues faced by people coming to Citizens Advice South Warwickshire, but housing and rural isolation are of growing concern. In the... Read more