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Citizens Advice South Warwickshire’s AGM

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of Citizens Advice
South Warwickshire (a Company Limited by Guarantee) will be held virtually in line with Government Guidelines on Tuesday 10th of November at 10.30am. 
To secure your place, please book on eventbrite here. To accompany the Annual General Meeting please find our Impact Report 2019-20, with stats, interviews and case studies about the service we have provided over the past year.

Ordinary business:
1. To receive and consider the Report of the Directors and Trustees and
Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2020, together with the Independent Examiners’ Report.

2. To appoint Burgis and Bullock and to authorise the Trustees to fix their remuneration.

3. Election and re-election of Trustees.

Special business:
There is no special business

By order of the Board.
Members of the public are cordially invited.

Charity Number 1106631
A Company Registered by Guarantee Number 5168480

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